Sunday, March 28, 2010

SharePoint 2010 Data Manipulation Techniques

Hi All,

27th March 2010 we had a successfull event of SharePoint Saturday - Arabia (@SPSArabia) hash tag in twitter, and event site url:

On this event we had more than +150 attendees and the quality of presenters was really hight, and the content is really fresh and new.

My session topic: SharePoint 2010 Data manipulation Techniques
"In this session will experiment different data manipulation techniques in SharePoint 2010 using server and client object model and the differences of using different model to query your data. Also, Using LINQ is one of the most favorite features for .NET developers in SharePoint 2010 and how can you retrieve master-details data in simple query in your code.

As i got the message from my attendees to post my slides and the solution for my demos.

Presentation url:

Solution Code for my demos:

Hope this helps and enjoy :)

Mostafa arafa

Monday, March 22, 2010

Asp.Net Script manager error with AjaxToolkit

Hi All,

I had an web application and after i installed the latest AJAX Toolkit from codeplex with build Beta (0911), i was getting this error:

throw new Error("AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you are using an ASP.NET ScriptManager, switch to the AjaxScriptManager in System.Web.Ajax.dll, or use the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxControlToolkit.dll.");

The problem because my script manager in the pages are refering to the script manager and not the toolkit script manager.


Delete all script managers you have and drag and drop a control named "ToolkitScriptManager" in your master pages or pages which script manager resides.

Hope it helps.

Mostafa arafa

Cloud computing in action presentation

Hi All,

Last week i presented "Cloud Computing in Action" presentation in Reston,VA. In this presentaion i talked about Azure cloud computing platform, and i covered the following topics:

- Windows Azure
- Windows Azure Storage.
- SQL Azure / SSMS / Storage Explorer
- AppFabric / Development Fabric
- Develop & Deploy Application on Azure using VS 2010 RC.
- Showcase for a full LOB ASP.NET application hosted on Azure.
- Q & A.

I like also to share my presnetation with all of you to make use of it.

Thanks to Dan Kasun to provide me good presentation and materials for Azure.

Hope it helps.

Mostafa arafa

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Silverlight Application using SMF

Hi Folks,

Today i started to read about IIS smooth streaming feature available in IIS 7, and i am impressed with this feature, the feature simply provide you with the platform to provide HD videos in the application without writing a lot of code.

I started to read abou the feature on this link, Then i started to download the framework which is available in CodePlex:

It's pretty easy and innovative to have HD streaming in your application using this silverlight media framework.

**The full sample application is attached to be used as walkthrough.

Hope this helps and enjoy Silverlight.

Mostafa arafa

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Cloud Computing Thoughts with Azure

Hi All,

Today i attended the Government Cloud Computing event at Washignton DC sponsored By Microsoft which held on Ronald Regan Conference center. I had cool conversation with the DPE team and Azure Technical guys in the event with some few business contacts in the Federal government Reps.

The event started with the Cloud computing vision on the furture and the challenges the face Microsoft and ISVs to engage the government to be open and approve the cloud computing solutions.

Then, Microsoft showed some show cases / Demos for implementing Windows Azure,Dallas and AppFabric with Blobs on the cloud.

Then we had a great panel that includes some of technology experts and innovators from the government and other private sector.

I really like the innovation in NASA and the CIO who was so open to the new technologies and how it helps NASA's mission and the scientific research that it has and how it helps them to reduce the operational cost for their IT services.

The event had 3 Tracks : Business Track, IT Track and Developer Track.

I will give my insights in the Developer track as bullet points:

- You can start developing Azure cloud computing with ZERO Dollar investment.
- Use VS 2008 with Azure training Kit to start developing cloud apps.
- ALL MSDN subscribers have a promotion from MS to have 750 hrs for 8 months FREE.
- Cloud Storage Studio is a free tool to manage your Azure Storage data.
- to get all public sector news.
- Accessing Cloud data using RESTful services using Odata protocol,
- is another tool to manage azure storage.
- SQL Azure migration wizard is an open source project in codeplex to migrate your DB to Azure compliant.
- MS Synch. Framework power pack for SQL Azure - Nov CTP to synch between different SQL Azure Databases and on premise DBs.
- Microsoft has a program called : Open government data initiative OGDI to expose data to the citizens using Azure technologies.
- OGDI provides toolkits with different programming languages to help developers to consume these data using Azure Platform.

These are my notes, hope it helps :)

Update: My page on the cloud :

Mostafa arafa

Monday, March 08, 2010

SharePoint Saturday Arabia - 27 March 2010

Dear All,

I'm really glad to announce that Registration is now open for participation in Live Online SharePoint Saturday Arabia. By registering for this event, you are confirming you would like to view the live presentations, presented from 7:00am to 4:00pm (GMT+0), on March 27, 2010.

In order to hear the presenters, you will need headphones or computer speakers. There will be no conference call dial-in phone numbers.

The live blogging platform will allow for real time questions to be passed to the presenters. There will be two sessions running simultaneously so that we can present to a diversified audience in both Arabic and English languages.

As you register, we would very much appreciate it if you would spread the word to your SharePoint colleagues. I have attached here the event poster, please feel free to use it.

Thank you for joining us. With your participation, we hope to make this an exceptional event.

الأعضاء الكرام تحية طيبة و بعد,
يسعدنا و يشرفنا أن نعلن أن باب التسجيل و المشاركة في Live Online SharePoint Saturday Arabia قد تم فتحه, بالتسجيل في هذا المؤتمر الافتراضي يمكنك مشاهدة المحاضرات و الشروحات أون لاين, المحاضرات ستعرض في تاريخ 27 مارس 2010 من الساعة 7:00 صباحاٌ حتى الساعة 4:00 مساءاٌ بتوقيت جرينتش.
هذا المؤتمر الافتراضي يعتبر الأول من نوعه حيث أنه ُيقدم شرح واف باللغة العربية و الانجليزية لشيربوينت 2007 و شيربوينت 2010 . لمشاهدة هذا المؤتمر لن تضطر للذهاب لأي مكان أو حتى دفع أي مبالغ مالية حيث أنه حدث مجاني و أون لاين, كل ما تحتاجه هو جهاز الكمبيوترو الدخول على شبكة الأنترنت.
نظام التدوين الحي يتيح لك طرح الأستفسارات والأسئلة على المتحدث في التو و اللحظة , و سيكون هناك محاضرتين في نفس الوقت حتى نتمكن من عرض المحاضرة على العديد من الجمهور باللغة العربية و الأنجليزية.
نشكرك جزيل الشكر للتسجيل, و الرجاء أن تبلغ أي شخص مهتم بتكنولوجيا الشيربوينت عن هذا الحدث, لقد أرفقنا الملصق الإعلاني للحدث, أستعمله كيفما تشاء.
نشكرك جزيل الشكر للأنضمام ألينا, و نتمنى أن يكون الحدث ممتاز و ممتع.
مع الشكر و الأحترام

Mostafa arafa

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Microsoft Application Architecture Guide 2.0

Hi All,

Microsoft recently released the Application Architecture Guide version 2.0, This is a good resource to architect and design your solutions by applying Microsoft best practices in software design.


Hope it helps.

Mostafa arafa