Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Getting started with Solr for .NET architects & developers - part 1

Hi folks,

I am writing this blog post to provide some tips and insights on using open source search technologies such as Solr in your solutions and applications.

Here are my notes:
1) Solr is an open source search server product. It is free and one of the most trusted, mature search products in the market.

2) Solr uses lucene, lucene is the heart of Solr search server product. Lucene is the full text service or component that is used in Solr which provides all search, index and queries capabilities.

3) Lucene is a java based library to create, manage, and retrieve inverted index files.

4) Inverted index is a specialized data structure by Lucene to handle queries to text based documents.

5) Using full text feature that is available in some DBMS is not a replacement for Solr, Solr provides advanced search, query and ranking capabilities.

6) Solr provides on top of lucene full text capability the following features: pagination, sorting, faceting, auto-suggest, spell checker, hit highlighting, data modeling, grouping, and standard http API to integrate with your solutions.

7) Each Solt server has only one home, the path of the home is $SolrInstallation/example/solr, where $SolrInstallation is the path where you installed solr binaries.

8) Each Solr server can contain more than 1 core, each core contains its index data and configuration.

9) Solr web application is stored under solr.web folder which contains all servelts, html and js files.

10) Solr is running on Jetty as an application server. Google is using Jetty in its App Engine platform.

Hope this helps.

References: Solr in Action

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