Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Working with Hive in HDInsight


While i am working on building big data solutions in Azure HDInsight clusters. I found out really new tools that have been added to HDP to easily help you working with Hive and HBase datastores.

In this blog post, I would like to share that you can manage your Hive databases and queries using Hive View in HDInsight clusters.

I have provisioned a Linux based Spark cluster in HDInsight. Spark clusters comes with a preloaded tools, frameworks and services. Hive service is preloaded and configured by default as well.

Follow these steps to work with Hive:

1) From Azure Portal, select your HDInsight cluster.
2) Click on Dashboard.
3) Enter your admin username and password.
4) This would be Ambari homepage for your cluster.

5) From the top right corner, click on Hive View.

6) You will be able to write any SQL statements in Hive query as you used to do.

Hive view also contains other capabilities such as defining UDFs and upload tables to Hive.

Hope this helps.

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