Friday, June 02, 2006

MS Biztalk 2006

Nowadays,i'm working in Biztalk 2006,definitly it's a wonderful product for building enterprise Integrated solutions.....and it's a world of Integrated Components to build High Integrated solution from different hetergonous vendors...

i will start to set some very important notes... related to this topic in my blog...
hope it's help....:)

Moustafa arafa


Unknown said...

How To et started to MS Biztalk 2006 ?

Unknown said...

Advice 1 :

Don't change the project of Biztalk Project... it will generate compilation errors,coz all generated modules thake from the generated namespace...

Unknown said...

Advice 2 :

Using Biztalk Orchastration :

Functoids are executed from left to right. When you construct a map that uses more than one functoid, you must consider the relative left-to-right placement of the functoids. The output of a functoid can only be input to another functoid that is farther to the right.