I have published two videos on channel 9 about Microsoft Azure capabilities on mySQL databases.
You can create MySQL databases for free on Azure, start your proof of concept and any development project by having MySQL instance that can scale based on the power of cloud computing.
I covered how to provision, create, manage MySQL databases on Azure and how to connect to these instances from MySQL workbench.
In the first video, Get Started with MySQL on Azure i covered how to provision, create and manage mySQL instance on Azure.
Video Url: https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/MostafaElzoghbi/Get-Started-with-MySql-on-Azure
In the second video, Get Started with MySQL workbench for MySQL databases on Azure i covered how to connect and manage MySQL azure instances from your favorite MySQL management studio "MySQL workbench".
Video Url: https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/MostafaElzoghbi/Get-Started-with-MySQL-Workbench-for-MySQL-databases-on-Azure
Hope you enjoy both of these videos.
If you need any in deep learning materials to be posted on ch9, please drop me a message.
I have published two videos on channel 9 about Microsoft Azure capabilities on mySQL databases.
You can create MySQL databases for free on Azure, start your proof of concept and any development project by having MySQL instance that can scale based on the power of cloud computing.
I covered how to provision, create, manage MySQL databases on Azure and how to connect to these instances from MySQL workbench.
In the first video, Get Started with MySQL on Azure i covered how to provision, create and manage mySQL instance on Azure.
Video Url: https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/MostafaElzoghbi/Get-Started-with-MySql-on-Azure
In the second video, Get Started with MySQL workbench for MySQL databases on Azure i covered how to connect and manage MySQL azure instances from your favorite MySQL management studio "MySQL workbench".
Video Url: https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/MostafaElzoghbi/Get-Started-with-MySQL-Workbench-for-MySQL-databases-on-Azure
Hope you enjoy both of these videos.
If you need any in deep learning materials to be posted on ch9, please drop me a message.