Thursday, November 30, 2006

IT Professional Contest --- Hurry to get your Prize

Hi Folks,

Microsoft Gulf is running an IT professional contest in our region (Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman) called TechNet Guru. IT professionals answer 10 questions on Microsoft solutions and compete with one another to enter to win a prizes that include:

one first prize of an I-mate JASJAM Smartphone,

three 1st runner-up prizes of a MPIO MP3 player,

five 2nd runner up prizes of the new Microsoft VX 6000 Life Cams,

five 3rd runner up prizes of the Microsoft wireless laser mouse,

three 4th runner up prizes of the Microsoft fingerprint reader, and

three 5th runner up prizes of Microsoft PC game sets.

We want to reach out to as many IT professionals as possible so I request your help in spreading the news about the contest to your colleagues, friends in the IT world, community/user group members etc.

Visit: (for best experience, view in flash with sound on).

The contest ends January 31st, 2007.

Moustafa arafa

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Launch of the First Architect Community in Gulf

Hi Folks,

First Architect Community in Gulf has been launched on Gitax 2006,all information privided is from architects to architects...... let's join us on our celeberation for the new community.

visit the below link :

Moustafa arafa

Monday, November 20, 2006

maintain scroll on 2.0 page

Hi all,

all of you know SmartNavigation feature in 1.1 which maintain scroll position of aspx pages and it has alot of draw backs & problems.

now, 2.0 is shipped with a mazing feature equivelant to Smart Navigation but with out problems (unitl the time i post this thread),simply u can maintain your scroll position on any aspx page by applying one attribute on html view of your page.

on page tag put this attribute :

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true" />

that set.... :)

happy .net programming.

Moustafa arafa

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Get Values From Grid View To Update it

Hi Folks,

i got a question from one of our boomers to how can he get values from gridview to update values.
here,is the answer.

Way #1 :
string test = MyGV.Rows[indx].Cells[1].Text ;

Way #2 : if you want to get DataKey value from GridView
string test=MyGV.DataKeys[0].Value.ToString()

Way #3:


let me know if you need any other help my friend "Raheel Rasheed".

Moustafa arafa

Intergrate .Net with Web Sphere Portal Server

Hi Folks,

register today to this web cast :

Register today for this upcoming Jupiter Webcast:Fast-Track .NET Integration Into WebSphere Portal Server December 5, 2006 - 2:00pm EST, 11:00am PST

Moustafa arafa

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Set Focus on Login Control 2.0

Hi Folks,

to set focus on login control on username text box what you need to do,switch to HTML of your page and paster the folwing on form tag :

defaultfocus="Login1_UserName" />

happy .netting :)

Moustafa arafa

Winner on Oct Articles on C-Sharp Corner Site

Dear All,
i won a prize for the second time from C-Sharp corner web site..... as most active articles i posted on september....

Moustafa arafa

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Launch of Imagine Cup Competition in Gulf

Hi Folks ,

First Launch for Imagine cup in Gulf has been succesfully launched this week,

visit web site for more details :

good luck for all gulf students............. :)

Moustafa arafa

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New Arabic Search Engine عربى.com

Hi Folks new arabic search engine (عـــربى),is one of Maktoob Group services.

عربي هو محرك البحث الأول الذي يؤمن لك بلمح البصر المعلومات الشاملة والفريدة التي تتعلق بكل ما تريد معرفته ، عربي هو محرك بحث سهل وفعال لأنه يفهم لغتك و ثقافتك و يلبي احتياجاتك. يغطي محرك عربي صفحات الإنترنت العربية التي يقدر عددها بعشرات الملايين من الصفحات. كما يتميز محرك عربي باستخدامه لقواعد اللغة العربية خلال عمليات البحث.

نود أن نلفت إنتباه مستخدمينا الأعزاء إلى أن إصدار عربي هو إصدار "بيتا" أي إصدار أولي يتم تطويره على مدار الساعة. لإبداء آرائكم حول الموقع أو في حالة مواجهة أي مشاكل. الرجاء الضغط على رابط "آراؤك واقتراحاتك" أدناه.

شكراً لكم و نتمنى أن ينال عربي إعجابكم!

check it and be happy with this great effort.

Moustafa arafa

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

VSTO SE released !!!

Hi Folks,

VSTO Second Edition for VS 2005 has been released......

visit below link to download it:

Moustafa arafa

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Get Ready for Vista with DotNetBoom

Dear All,

Are you ready for vista ? kindly visit our community in kuwait and see the resources availbe there...and don't forget to inform us your feedback.

Moustafa arafa