Thursday, January 11, 2007

Managing WSS 3.0

Dear All,
if you installed WSS 3.0 on your PC,i'd like to mention some tricks if you are a .net developer or you are the person who managing web servers:
1-first,you will see that you can't debug any web application,if you are working in your development PC,and you will get error message when you are trying to debug any web site mentioning that "You are not debugger user",and you should notice that before installing wss 3.0 you can debug any website or web service.
The Cause of this error is : after installing wss 3.0,it creates the default site on port 80,and the default web site in listening also on port 80,that cause the Default web site doesn't work,and even if you change the port of the default shareporint site,the site will not work.
Solution:Simply,open shareporint central administration site,go to Application managment,and click on create or extend web application,and you have to extend the new site to be in different port no.
This is not all,the new create web application,you have to create a site for it,because by default it doesnt create the default site for you,create a new site.
Then,don't forget to delete the Default Site Web Application which is created when you installing WQSS 3.0,it will delete the web application and all related sites for it.

2-if you are a the person who responsible for managing web servers,don't forget to do that on Peak time,and creating the new web site for your staff on extended site not the default one as described above.

Moustafa arafa

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