Sunday, March 25, 2007

Problem when uploading large files in

Dear Folks,

This is an important trick for all web developers and experts as well,one of my dear firends asked me for a problem he faced when uploading files in web application,after justify the problem and make sure that the problem not from any other thing,the problem was he was getting [Request Time Out] when he's trying to upload large file size........the solution for this problem is :

.Net Framework by default deny upload any file which exceed than 4mb for a security reason to prohibit denial of service attack.

simply put this attribute on oyur web.config :

maxRequestLenght change the max. size from 4mb to 8mb

you can change it to whatever you want to limit the max file size.

read more on below kb article :

Enjoy .Netting :)

Moustafa arafa

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I find ur profile and ur patience very interesting. well i have a problem to be sloved . I am trying to upload large files (200 to 300 MB) . I want a progress bar to be displayed till all the files are processed. how do i do that for such a long time? and how do i get all the details of the files being processed on the progress bar? Are there any tools for free to manage the file upload? Please suggest how should i solve this?
thanks in advance.