Monday, December 03, 2007

MOSS 2007 Problem : Cannot connect to the configuration database.

Hi Folks,

During my work with MOSS 2007,i had some performance issues regarding the SQL Server instance services which is running the configuration and Data for MOSS sites.

I had closed this service bymistake and when i'm trying to open the central administration site or any site i got this message in the IR:

"Cannot connect to the configuration database."

To resolve this : go to your services and start this service:

This Tip is enough to continue your work with your MOSS sites.

Hope this helps.

Moustafa arafa


Anonymous said...

Can you add a brief description about "SQL Server instance services"? If you don't have time for that I may take care of it. This post is not very informative without it for public visitors.

Unknown said...

Hi All,

Thanks Ali for your interest to give more detailed piece of information of my blog readers.

When you install SQL 2005 on your machine,SQL will set about 10 services on your OS if you install everything,one of them is responsible to manage each instance of SQL Server,The name of the service follows this pattern :
"SQL Server (InstanceName)"

To get more details of SQL services :

Feel Free my friend Ali to add more from your side.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! That did it for me.