Hi All,
This post is for new developers who are interested to know the project structure for ASP.Net MVC project in VS 2008.
If you don't have MVC project in your VS 2008, download it from this link :
Once you create MVC project you will find a new project structure different than the usual website or web application structure that we used to work with.
First look for your ASP.Net MVC project shows that you have 6 top level directories:
1) App_Data: Contains your data source files DBs or XML files to read/write.
2) Content: any css files or images.
3) Controllers: contains all controller classes.
4) Models: contains business model classes or entity framework edm files as business models.
5) Scripts: Contains js files on your project.
6) Views: UI template files.
Bold Directories : MVC specific implementations (New Directories).
Understanding the purpose of each directory is very important since it is part of your understanding of MVC design pattern implementation in ASP.Net.
Hope this helps.
Mostafa arafa
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